100 Bible Verses about Eyes

Here are 100 Bible verses about eyes, curated from both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, King James Version, arranged from most to least relevant.

Matthew 6:22 KJV

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Psalm 101:3 KJV

3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

1 Samuel 16:7 KJV

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7 KJV Image

Psalm 119:18 KJV

18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

2 Kings 6:17 KJV

17 And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

Luke 11:33-36 KJV

33 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. 34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. 35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not …

Matthew 5:28 KJV

28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Proverbs 20:12 KJV

12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord hath made even both of them.

Mark 8:25 KJV

25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

Matthew 5:29 KJV

29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Ephesians 1:16-21 KJV

16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, …

Proverbs 21:4 KJV

4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

Job 31:7 KJV

7 If my step hath turned out of the way, and mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to mine hands;

Job 31:1 KJV

1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?

Acts 9:18 KJV

18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.

Psalm 119:37 KJV

37 Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.

Psalm 38:10 KJV

10 My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.

Ephesians 1:18 KJV

18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Psalm 13:2-3 KJV

2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? 3 Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;

Proverbs 16:1-33 KJV

1 The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord. 2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits. 3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. 4 The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. …

1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV

13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV Image

1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV

18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV Image

1 John 2:16 KJV

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

1 John 2:16 KJV Image

Luke 11:34 KJV

34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

Psalm 121:1-8 KJV

1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon …

Psalm 33:18 KJV

18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;

Psalm 32:8 KJV

8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

Hebrews 12:2 KJV

2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

1 Peter 2:24 KJV

24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

1 Peter 2:24 KJV Image

Luke 4:18 KJV

18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

Matthew 7:3 KJV

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Proverbs 15:3 KJV

3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

Psalm 34:15 KJV

15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

Matthew 6:22-23 KJV

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Revelation 1:7 KJV

7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 1:7 KJV Image

1 Peter 3:12 KJV

12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

1 Peter 3:12 KJV Image

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV

18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV Image

1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Proverbs 4:23 KJV

23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

2 Chronicles 16:9 KJV

9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Isaiah 5:21 KJV

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Job 34:21 KJV

21 For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.

1 Peter 3:3-4 KJV

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

Psalm 23:1-6 KJV

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. …

Deuteronomy 11:12 KJV

12 A land which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

Revelation 1:1-20 KJV

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things …

Ephesians 1:4 KJV

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Psalm 146:8 KJV

8 The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous:

James 5:16 KJV

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV Image

Deuteronomy 34:7 KJV

7 And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.

Isaiah 6:10 KJV

10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.

Proverbs 22:9 KJV

9 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

Proverbs 22:9 KJV Image

Exodus 21:22-25 KJV

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, …

Psalm 94:9 KJV

9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

Revelation 1:1 KJV

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Acts 26:18 KJV

18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Luke 18:13 KJV

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

Philippians 4:8 KJV

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8 KJV Image

Ephesians 2:10 KJV

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10 KJV Image

Proverbs 22:12 KJV

12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.

Psalm 139:14 KJV

14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14 KJV Image

Revelation 1:14 KJV

14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

Psalm 121:1 KJV

1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

1 Peter 2:1-25 KJV

1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, 2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, …

James 1:27 KJV

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

John 12:40 KJV

40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

Proverbs 27:20 KJV

20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

Mark 8:17-18 KJV

17 And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened? 18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?

Isaiah 26:3 KJV

3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3 KJV Image

Job 17:7 KJV

7 Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, and all my members are as a shadow.

Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV

1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Song of Solomon 4:7 KJV

7 Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.

Song of Solomon 4:7 KJV Image

Deuteronomy 32:10 KJV

10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

Revelation 3:18 KJV

18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

John 3:16 KJV

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 KJV Image

Job 19:27 KJV

27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

2 Kings 25:7 KJV

7 And they slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him with fetters of brass, and carried him to Babylon.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Matthew 5:38 KJV

38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

Proverbs 31:30 KJV

30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

Psalm 6:1-10 KJV

1 O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed. 3 My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long? 4 Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake. 5 For in death there is no …

Hebrews 4:12-13 KJV

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Isaiah 43:8 KJV

8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.

Isaiah 41:10 KJV

10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Isaiah 41:10 KJV Image

Psalm 116:15 KJV

15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

Psalm 116:15 KJV Image

2 Peter 2:14 KJV

14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

Zechariah 4:10 KJV

10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

Isaiah 64:4 KJV

4 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

Psalm 146:8-9 KJV

8 The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous: 9 The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.

Exodus 21:24 KJV

24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV

3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

John 9:39-41 KJV

39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. 40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

Luke 24:30-31 KJV

30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. 31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

Proverbs 10:10 KJV

10 He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.

1 John 1:9 KJV

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9 KJV Image

Psalm 63:2 KJV

2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

Psalm 27:4 KJV

4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.

Luke 16:15 KJV

15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Psalm 19:8 KJV

8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.