Prayer for Fathers

Heavenly Father,

We come before You today to lift up all earthly fathers. We thank You for the role that they play in the lives of their families, in society as a whole, and in their jobs and businesses.

We ask that You would give them wisdom, strength, and patience as they lead and guide their children, their employees, and their clients. We pray that they would be men of integrity, honor, and compassion and that they would set a godly example for those around them.

We ask that You would protect and bless their marriages and that they would be the spiritual leaders in their homes. We pray that they would have a deep understanding of Your love and grace and that they would pass that on to their children, their employees, and their clients. We ask that You would give them the courage to discipline in love and that they would be quick to forgive and show mercy.

We ask that You would give them a heart for the lost and that they would be bold in sharing the Good News of Your Son, Jesus Christ, with those around them, including their colleagues and business partners. We pray that You would give them a passion for Your Word and for prayer and that they would be men who seek Your face and follow Your will in all aspects of their lives.

We ask that You would bless their jobs and businesses and that You would use them for Your glory. We thank You for the gift of fatherhood and for the opportunities to provide for their families through their jobs and businesses.

We pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, ‘Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.’ Amen.

Suggested Bible Readings

Ephesians 6:4 ESV

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Read full chapter

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Read full chapter

Colossians 3:21 ESV

Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.

Read full chapter

Proverbs 17:6 ESV

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged,
    and the glory of children is their fathers.

Read full chapter

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