Jonathan Defeats the Philistines

This is a simplified version of the Bible story found in 1 Samuel 14:1-14, written for children to understand. For the original version, please refer to the Bible passage.

Once there was a man named Jonathan who wanted to defeat the Philistines. He is the son of King Saul. He told his helper to come with him, and they went to the Philistine garrison. But they didn’t tell Jonathan’s dad where they were going. There were big rocks on either side of them, and they had to climb up to get to the Philistines.

Jonathan said to his helper, “We might win because the Lord can help us even if we’re outnumbered.” His helper agreed and said, “I’m with you all the way!” Jonathan made a plan: if the Philistines say “Come up to us,” then they’ll go up and fight. But if the Philistines say “Wait there,” then they’ll stay put. So they went to the Philistines and showed themselves. The Philistines said, “Hey, look! The Hebrews are coming out of hiding!” Then they told Jonathan and his helper to come up so they could fight. Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, and his helper followed him. They fought and won, with the Lord’s help!

Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed about twenty Philistines within a small area. They struck the Philistines with such power and courage that they were able to win the battle.

Biblical Lessons

  • Even when things seem impossible, God can help us win.
  • We should trust in God’s power, not our own strength.
  • It’s important to have brave friends who will help us do the right thing.

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