This is a simplified version of the Bible story found in Mark 12:42-44, written for children to understand. For the original version, please refer to the Bible passage.
One day, Jesus was teaching his followers and he said, “Watch out for some important people called the Scribes. They like to wear fancy clothes and be greeted with lots of attention when they walk in the marketplace. They sit in the best seats at church and at parties. But they don’t always do the right thing. They take advantage of poor widows and pretend to pray for a long time. God will be very upset with them for this.”
After that, Jesus and his followers went to the temple. They saw many rich people putting lots of money into the offering box. But then a poor widow came and put in only two small coins, which were worth very little. Even though it was not much money, Jesus said, “This widow has given more than anyone else because she gave all she had. The rich people gave a lot of money, but it was only a small part of what they had. The widow gave everything she had.”
Biblical Lessons
- Jesus cares about how we treat others, especially those who are poor and in need.
- It is not the amount of money we give that matters to God, but the love and generosity in our hearts.
- We should give freely and with joy, just like the poor widow did.