The Lord’s Covenant with David

This is a simplified version of the Bible story found in 2 Samuel 7, written for children to understand. For the original version, please refer to the Bible passage.

A long, long time ago, there was a king named David who loved God very much. One day, the king said to Nathan the prophet that he wanted to build a big house for God to live in. Nathan told the king to go ahead because the Lord was with him.

But that same night, the Lord spoke to Nathan and told him to tell David that He did not need a house because He had been moving around in a tent all this time. The Lord also reminded David that He had chosen him to be the prince over Israel, and that He had helped him defeat his enemies.

The Lord then told David that He would make his name great and that He would establish a place for his people to live. The Lord promised David that he would have rest from his enemies, and that his descendants would rule after him. The Lord said that David’s son would build a house for God’s name, and that the throne of his kingdom would be established forever.

The Lord also said that if David’s son commits iniquity, He will discipline him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men, but His steadfast love will not depart from him, as He took it from Saul, whom He put away from before David.

Nathan had a vision of the Lord speaking to him, and he spoke to David according to all the words and the vision that he saw. When Nathan told David everything the Lord had said, David was very grateful.

He went to the Lord and said, “Who am I, O Lord God, that you have been so good to me? You have promised great things for my family, and I am so grateful. I cannot find the words to express my gratitude. You have been so faithful to me and my people. Please confirm your promise and bless my family forever.”

David praised God for all His greatness and goodness. He recognized that there is no one like God, and that there is no God besides Him. David also thanked God for His people, Israel, whom He redeemed and established as His own. David prayed that God’s name would be magnified forever, and that the house of his servant would be established before God forever.

David was thankful for all that God had done for him and promised to be faithful to Him always.

Biblical Lessons

  • God is faithful to His promises.
  • God does not need a house made by human hands.
  • We should be grateful and give thanks to God for His blessings.
  • God’s plans for us are greater than we can imagine.
  • God will discipline us when we do wrong, but His love will never depart from us.

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